THE TYLERS SWORDS – KZN’s Chapter of the Widows Sons welcomes you!

Widows Sons was founded in 1998 by a brother in North America who believed who believed there was a need for a ‘Riders Association”, where we can ride the open roads and socialise with our brothers.
While we wear identifying patches or regalia, the Widows Sons are not a gang/MC/1% Club.
We are required to represent the fraternity in a positive light at all times.
The first Chapter in South Africa started in July 2010, and are now called Grand Chapter. The original members have remained and all Presidents and Vice Presidents sit on the committee. With this as inspiration, the first Chapter was started in South Africa in 2010, with the inaugural ride on 18 July 2010 and simply called Widows Sons South Africa (WSSA). This Chapter is now the governing body or Grand Chapter. The original members have remained and all Presidents and Vice Presidents sit on the committee of the Grand Chapter.
Widows Sons of the South African Chapter has now grown to over 220 members.
East Coast Chapter KZN (Tylers Swords) was inaugurated in May 2015. And were fortunate enough to host the first National Gathering in April 2016, which was also the newest chapter in the WSSA.
We departed from the Eastern Free State with 50 bikes riding In masses, down to Amanzimtoti, South Coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal, including riders from Western Cape Chapter, Grand Chapter, East Rand Chapter, Free State Chapter, Eastern Cape Chapter, and amongst us, we were joined with 5 members from the Widows Sons in North America and Grant & Jo Hedges.
The Widows Sons is an International Masonic Motorcycle Association.
If you are a Master Mason who rides a 500cc or larger motorcycle and have a desire to help us serve our purpose please contact us about membership.