(WBro Tony Caloba & WBro David Zavad) Masonic Etiquette is largely unpublished as well as unspoken, therefore, up until now, it has been more difficult to learn its rules and nuances. WBro Caloba, supported by WBro David Zavad presented a fascinating look into the what, the how and the why of Lodge etiquette. The talk… Continue reading Masonic Etiquette
The Origin & Role of Deacons in Freemasonry
(WBro Schalk Jacobs, WM Umlazi Lodge) “When you are initiated, your senses are overwhelmed by what the ceremony entails. Your first regular meeting is a bit intimidating as you start to see the various offices, experience the opening and closing ceremonies, the way the lodge is structured, and the way the meeting proceeds. There is… Continue reading The Origin & Role of Deacons in Freemasonry