
Masonic Etiquette

(WBro Tony Caloba & WBro David Zavad)

Masonic Etiquette is largely unpublished as well as
unspoken, therefore, up until now, it has been more
difficult to learn its rules and nuances.
WBro Caloba, supported by WBro David Zavad
presented a fascinating look into the what, the how
and the why of Lodge etiquette. The talk was interactive, evoking plenty of discussion and raising a
number of key issues.

Masonic Etiquette belongs to the empire of good
manners, together with certain concepts peculiar to
Freemasonry. We all should practice etiquette because of its power to help maintain harmony. It is a
form of courtesy to the individual members and a
manifestation of respect to the Craft. Harmony is
the first law of the Lodge and the Worshipful Master of his Brethren demands it when he declares the
Lodge open.


Food for Thought

“Brother” is a Title
In the usages of Freemasonry, “Brother” is neither a
sentimental nor familiar form of address, but is a
title – as much so as Worshipful, Right Honorable, Right Worshipful or Most Worshipful and must always be used as such.

A man does not attend a Lodge Communication in his capacity as a private individual. He is not just Joe, or Bill or John, but is there in his capacity as a Mason. For this reason one
should never in open Lodge refer to “Bill B.”, but always to “Brother B.” in the same literal sense as any other office in the Lodge or Grand Lodge.

1 comment

  1. Very interesting reading. Its good that people still look out for, and respect each other.

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